United Women in Faith

United Women of Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.


Our local unit of the United Women in Faith (formerly known as UMW) has been a strong part of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church since 1957.

We have a Mission Team (our local unit administrative board) which meets monthly to work on missions and fund raising projects. Additionally, we have several fellowship groups called “circles” where our members spend time together getting to know each other and doing projects and programs together. We also have General Meetings 3 times a year where all our “circles” come together for meals, programs and business of the unit.

There are opportunities throughout the year for spiritual growth (Reading Program, Annual Retreat, UWF Sunday), mission education, membership nurture (Secret Sisters), and social action. We host two fund raisers each year to help fund mission activities (such as our Annual Christmas Auction & Luncheon, pictured left). We also participate in DistrictUWF activities.      

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St. Mark’s UWF Circles

All women are welcome to join!

  • Ruth Circle: 1st Wednesdays, monthly, at 10 am

  • Lydia Circle: 4th Tuesdays, monthly, at 7 pm

More about the united women in FAITH…

UWF is a national organization of approximately one million members whose purpose is to foster spiritual growth, develop leaders, and advocate for justice. Each year members participate in programs and projects related to women, children, and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world.